
What are the odds of two philosophy majors becoming law partners? Pretty good, actually. For if philosophy teaches anything, it is listening with an open mind, examining with a fresh perspective, constructing and deconstructing arguments, and thinking critically and logically to bring straightforward solutions to complex problems. These are the qualities upon which Wolff Mascaro LLP is based.

Josh Wolff and Jame Mascaro met in the rough and tumble wilds of Orange County. Both had recently left hard-hitting firms to pursue their own practices. They found they shared a love for law and bafflement at the inefficient way most law firms practice. Collaborating on cases confirmed their decision to join forces and open their own firm.

Having one’s own law practice is hard work, but hard work is its own reward, and— as Josh and Jame will tell you —no other job has been more rewarding. They are fortunate to have long-standing clients and a growing list of new ones. Friends have become clients, and clients have become friends. They value these relationships, and they work hard to maintain them.